A Piping Snubber is a Dynamic Restraint that protects the piping system against impulse loading conditions from Seismic or Surge Events. It is basically a mechanical device that allows pipe operating...
Category: Piping Stress Basics
Pipe Support Friction Coefficient and Frictional Loads on Pipe Supports
Pipe Support friction plays a significant role in pipe stress analysis. All piping stress engineers must be aware that while modeling supports or restraints we have to enter the frictional...
Static Method of Wind Analysis of Piping systems in Caesar II using Pressure Vs elevation Method
Wind analysis is performed based on the Client/ITB requirement. Wind load is an occasional load that normally occurs less than 20% of plant operating time. There are two methods for wind...
Nozzle loads are the forces and moments that the piping system exerts on the equipment nozzles. One of the important qualification requirements while stress analysis of a piping system is to keep...
Stress Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor Connected Piping Systems using Caesar II
Centrifugal compressors are considered to be one of the most critical pieces of equipment in the piping industry. For increasing the pressure of gaseous fluids centrifugal compressors are widely used...
Flange Leakage Evaluation based on NC 3658.3 Method method using Caesar II
Flange leakage checking is a very important activity in pipe stress analysis. Flange leakage checking ensures that there will be reduced chances of flange leakage. There are various methods available...