To ease welding procedure creation and welding procedure management, the ASME Weld Number tables provide a well-defined numbering system methodology. These numbers are assigned to the Weld base...
Category: Piping Interface
What is Nitrogen Purging? Applications, Procedures, and Benefits of N2 Purging
Nitrogen purging plays an important role in the safety and functioning of various plants that are susceptible to fire hazards. In fire and explosion protection engineering, an inert (ie,...
What is Inerting? Gases Used for Inerting and Their Selection Criteria
Inerting refers to the process of introducing an inert gas into an enclosed space to release the gas already present, resulting in a kind of hazard. Although...
What is Flange Facing? Working and Types of Flange Facing Machines
To ensure that old flanges continue to work smoothly without any issues with their joint integrity flange facing is required to be performed. Flange facing is a machining service on flange surfaces...
Snow and Ice loading is an environmental load and must be considered in pipe stress analysis where the climatic condition specifies the possibility of snow or ice formation. Piping projects in...
What is Hot Bolting? Its Procedure, Hazards, Best Practices, and Advantages
Hot bolting is defined as the process of removing and replacing or re-tightening bolts in the flange connection assembly when a pipe or equipment is in operation and full of liquid or gas. So, from...