Prior to commissioning, it is essential to thoroughly clean the internal surfaces of pipes. This cleaning process, known as steam blowing, is used to remove rust, dust, scales, and debris. If this...
Category: Piping Stress Basics
Expansion loops are fundamental in various piping industries involving higher temperatures including oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, and HVAC systems, where temperature...
11 Questions & Answers from ASME B31.3 that a Piping Stress Engineer must know
ASME B31.3 is the bible of process piping engineering and every piping engineer should frequently use this code for his knowledge enhancement. But to study a code similar to B31.3 is time-consuming...
In my last article on stress analysis of tank piping, I described the effect of tank bulging. Click here to refresh yourself on the effect of storage tank bulging. In this article, I will describe...
What is Severe Cyclic Conditions as per Process Piping Code ASME B31.3?
Severe cyclic is not a fluid service. It is a condition where fatigue failures are more likely so additional precautions against fatigue failure are taken. As per ASME B31.3, it is a condition...
What is a Pressure Vessel Clip? The attachments welded to the equipment by the vendor for bolting the brackets for pipe support are known as Pressure Vessel clips or Cleats. Fig. 1 shows typical...