Crude oil, a naturally occurring petroleum product is a type of fossil fuel extracted from the earth. Consisting of hydrocarbons and other organic materials, crude oil is refined to produce a wide...
Category: Process
What is Fracking? | Working of Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing
Fracking or Hydraulic fracturing is a well-stimulation drilling technique that uses a highly pressurized liquid, usually a water mixture to fracture or create cracks in the deep-rock formations for...
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, commonly known as LPG, plays a vital role in our daily lives, offering a clean, efficient, and reliable source of energy for various applications. Whether it's for cooking in...
Gas Turbines: Definition, Applications, Working, Components, Types, Design, Advantages
A gas turbine is a rotary machine in which the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into mechanical energy or kinetic energy in terms of shaft power. In other words, it is a mechanical power or...
Pour Point: Definition, Significance, Features, Measurements, Factors
The pour point of a liquid (crude oil or a petroleum fraction) is the temperature below which the liquid becomes plastic and loses its flow characteristics. So pour point is the demarcation point of...
Pressure Relief Valve (PRV): Definition, Types, Working, Location, Sizing, Codes and Standards
A pressure relief valve is used to release excess pressure from a system during overpressure situations thus avoiding catastrophic failure. So, a Pressure relief valve is an important process safety...