What is a Reinforcement PAD? Reinforcing Pad, Reinforcement Pad, RePAD, or RF Pad is a donut-shaped pad that goes around the branch of a branch joint to add strength to the joint. It resembles a...
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Tall pipe risers are used in skyscrapers, mines, etc. There are two points that the piping stress engineer should consider: Fluid weight load distribution Pipe longitudinal stability Fluid...
Spring hangers are an integrated part of the Piping Industry. The use of spring hangers for supporting pipe weights is well-known to every piping engineer. Whenever some rigid supports are not taking...
A Piping Snubber is a Dynamic Restraint that protects the piping system against impulse loading conditions from Seismic or Surge Events. It is basically a mechanical device that allows pipe operating...
Pressure Vessels are one of the most important Static or stationary equipment for any process plant. We can not think about any chemical plants or Refineries or Petrochemical complex which runs...
Process Flow Diagram or PFD and P&ID or Piping/Process & Instrumentation Diagram are chemical/process engineering drawings and are very important for Process, Piping, Mechanical, and...