Being a piping engineer you must be familiar with the term "Piping Shoe". Pipe shoe supports are highly popular for insulated lines. As insulation material is usually not capable to withstand high...
Category: Piping Stress Basics
Piping Thermal Expansion and Contraction (Thermal Movement) in Piping Design
What causes thermal expansion in piping? All piping materials expand or contract when exposed to temperatures greater or lower than the installation temperature. As the temperature of the pipe...
The piping engineering would not have been developed so much in absence of piping software packages. Today, almost all the piping design activities are performed using various piping software...
Hopefully, all of you are aware that the latest edition of the process piping bible ASME B31.3-2020, which revised the 2018 edition of the same code is issued on the 18th of June, 2021. Similar to...
User-defined SIF is the stress intensification factor that the user input into the stress analysis program. The SIF values are usually calculated using FEA programs and then manually entered in the...
What is Tensile Strength? Tensile Strength of Steel and Other Materials
Tensile strength is the maximum stress up to which a material can be loaded without failure. When the tensile strength is exceeded, the material breaks or fails. This is also known as ultimate...