A modular skid or modular process skid is a self-contained process system contained within a frame or module including equipment, piping, and instrumentation. This is basically a machine-in-a-box...
Category: Process
What is Valve Coefficient (Cv) or Flow Coefficient? | Importance of Valve Cv
What is the Valve Coefficient? The Valve Coefficient or Flow Coefficient of a valve is a convenient method to relate flow rates to the pressure drop. It provides a relative measure of the...
What is Process Optimization? | Basics and Techniques of Process Optimization (With PDF)
Process optimization involves the application of mathematical techniques & tools to find out the best possible solution from several available alternatives for the purpose of the maximum Return...
The purpose of pressure safety valves is to shield machinery from extreme overpressure. In addition to offering the necessary protection, appropriately sized relief valves can help prevent problems...
Centrifugal Compressors: Applications, Types, Functions, Parts, and Design Guidelines
Compressors are intended to compress a substance in a gaseous state. Process compressors are used to compress a wide range of gases over a wide range of conditions. A Centrifugal compressor is a...
What are Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids and What are the Differences?
Have you ever wondered why some substances flow smoothly, while others seem to behave in unpredictable ways? The answer lies in the fascinating world of fluid dynamics, where two distinct categories...