What is a Hazardous Area? A hazardous area is an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere (flammable gases or vapors, combustible dust, flammable liquids, ignitable fibers, etc.) is present, or...
Archives: Blog
In piping stress analysis, both the subject terms i.e, Sustained Stress and Expansion Stress are widely used. For all the piping systems which need analysis, the calculated sustained and expansion...
What are Composites? Composites are novel materials made by combining two or more materials, the resultants of which possess the combination of better properties of the...
ASME Section VIII Flange Leakage Checking Method in Caesar II
My last two articles on flange leakage explain the basic theory behind flange leakage checking and methods for performing flange leakage checking using the pressure equivalent method. In this...
Recent changes in ASME B31.3 and their implementation in CAESAR II
This presentation is prepared by Mr. Deepak Sethia (working in Imagegrafix software) who has extensive experience in using Caesar II software and troubleshooting. The points that will be covered in...
This post is solely for beginners in the piping industry. If you want to learn the basics from books or literature, then try the following 15 listed books. Most experienced piping professionals will...