Reboilers are typical heat exchanger that produces vapor to drive fractional distillation separation. In classical fractional distillation services, all the vapor to drive the separation comes from...
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Flange gaskets may not be the most glamorous components in the industrial piping world, but they play a critical role in maintaining the integrity and efficiency of flanged connections. Whether...
Importance & Impact of Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) in Piping
What is the Stress Intensification Factor or SIF? As per Code ASME Section III, the Stress Intensification Factor or SIF is defined as the Fatigue Correlation Factors that compare the fatigue life...
Protecting Steel Pipes: The Power of Anti-Corrosive Coatings and Linings
Corrosion is the natural enemy of steel pipes, threatening their structural integrity, lifespan, and overall performance. As the backbone of many industries, from oil and gas to water distribution,...
Nonstandard Valve Model for Pipe Stress Analysis: Angular, 3-way, 4-way, with Actuator
In the process or the power piping industry, many a time several non-standard valves are used for some specific requirements. A few examples of those are Angular Valves, Three-Way valves, Four-way...
In the context of pipe stress analysis in engineering, a "pipe model" refers to the representation of a piping system used for analysis purposes. Pipe stress analysis is crucial in designing and...