Expansion Joints are one of the critical devices that piping stress engineers use in piping systems having less flexibility. But it becomes quite a headache to choose the right kind of expansion bellow and then model it exactly considering all real configurations. Whether to choose a tied one? or whether to consider the thrust force? Such questions always arise in our mind and most of the time remain unanswered simply because there are very little literature and description available for modeling and analysis of systems considering expansion joints.
So now we all have a chance to learn from the experts and clarify our doubts. Thanks to the Caesar II owner company, Hexagon PPM who has arranged a webinar on 25th February 2020 at 10:00 AM CST as per the below-mentioned details.

Webinar Details
Date and time: February 25th, 2020 at 10.00 AM CST (Please convert to your local time and mark it on the calendar else you may miss it)
Main Focus Points of the Webinar
This webinar will briefly throw light on the following points:
- Various ways of expansion joint inclusion in the piping system.
- Different types of expansion joint assemblies are available.
- Selecting the appropriate expansion joint assembly.
- Using the Caesar II Expansion Joint Modeler.
- Zero-Length expansion joint.
- Complex, Detailed Expansion bellow Model
- Evaluating the joint
About the Presenter
David Diehl, P.E.: With more than 30 years of engineering and technical support experience is the Director of Training for CADWorx & Analysis Solutions – Hexagon PPM. He is the lead instructor for CAESAR II and the principal author of the CAESAR II online training course. He also served as a Director for the Society of Piping Engineers and Designers (SPED) for 16 years and currently, he is Chair of the B31.3 Process Piping Committee.
How to Register
To register and view this webinar simply click here and submit your details to book your seat.
Few more Resources for you…
Design Considerations for a Piping System with an Expansion Bellow
Piping Stress Analysis using Caesar II
Piping Stress Analysis Basics
Piping Stress Analysis using Start-Prof
I am not able to see any recording here. Could you please tell me how can I access the recording. I am very keen to understand expansion joint modelling in C2.
Please leave me massage on 07728051832.
Please click on the link provided at the end of the article and register to get access to webinar recording..
Dear Anup,
I have one problem about the Effective Diameter :
– It should be the ED of the Bellow?
– It should be the difference between the pipe diameter and the Bellow diameter?
Thank you in advance
Hi Munif ,
The effective diameter is mean diameter of bellows convolutions profile.