To ease welding procedure creation and welding procedure management, the ASME Weld Number tables provide a well-defined numbering system methodology. These numbers are assigned to the Weld base metals and filler metals. Grouping materials reduces the number of welding procedures and welder performance qualification tests for a wide range of materials. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC Section IX) has assigned a grouping scheme for base metals that consists of the P numbers and Group Numbers. Earlier there were ASME S Numbers that were removed by the code from the year 2009. Similarly, the filler metal grouping scheme consists of the F-Numbers and A-Numbers. Refer to Fig. 1, which clarifies what these numbers relate to.

What is the P Number in Welding?
Depending on the material characteristics like composition, weldability, brazeability, design consideration, heat treatment, and mechanical properties, ASME BPVC assigned P-Numbers to the base metals. The code assigned the same P-number for the materials with similar material characteristics. These are listed in Table QW/QB-422 of ASME. While changing the base metal from a qualified WPS to a new base metal, requalification or a new PQR is not required if the new base metal falls in the same P-Number.
These base metals are grouped by material and the assigned P-Numbers are constant for that specific material group. For example, the base metals of Low Carbon Steel or Carbon Manganese material fall in P-Number 1. The following table (Table-1) provides the P-number ranges for various metals and alloys.
Sr. No. | Type of Steel, Metal, Alloy | P-Number |
1. | Carbon Steel (C-Mn ) | 1 |
2. | Low Alloy Steel (Cr-Mo Steels) | 4, 5A, 5B, 5C, 15E |
3. | Stainless Steels (Cr-Ni steels) | 8, 10H |
4. | Nickel & Ni-base alloys | 41 to 49 |
5. | Aluminum & Aluminum alloys | 21 to 26 |
6. | Copper & copper alloys | 31 to 35 |
7. | Titanium & titanium alloys | 51 to 53 |
8. | Zirconium & zirconium alloys | 61 and 62 |
From the ASME Sec IX table, QW/QB-422 can find the P-number of a specific grade of material, i.e. which material falls under which P-number and what is product form i.e. plate, forging, sheets, fittings, etc.
P-number is generally mentioned in WPS & PQR for procedure qualification and in WPQ for performance qualification.
What is the F-Number in Welding?
As the name suggests, F stands for Filler number. Depending on the composition, the microstructure of the material F-number is assigned to welding consumables i.e. filler wires, and electrodes to reduce the procedure and performance qualifications. F-number is generally mentioned in WPS & PQR for procedure qualification and in WPQ for performance qualification. The ASME Sec IX (QW-432 assigned the F-number on the basis of type of consumable, usability of consumable, metallurgical compatibility, heat treatment, and other mechanical properties. The same F no is assigned to carbon steel as well as stainless steel filler wires. For example. ER70S-6 & ER308 have the same F no. i.e. F no. 6. The following table (Table-2) provides the F-number ranges for various consumables as classified in ASME Section.
Sr. No. | Type of Steel consumables | F-Number |
1. | Carbon Steel | 1 to 6 |
2. | Low Alloy Steel (Cr-Mo Steels) | 1 to 6 |
3. | Stainless Steels (Cr-Ni steels) | 5, 6 |
4. | Nickel & Ni-base alloys | 41 to 46 |
5. | Aluminum & Aluminium alloys | 21 to 26 |
6. | Copper & copper alloys | 31 to 37 |
7. | Titanium & titanium alloys | 51 to 56 |
8. | Zirconium & zirconium alloys | 61 |
9. | Hard-facing weld metal overlays | 71 and 72 |
From the ASME Sec IX, table QW-432 can find the F-number of specific consumables classified as per ASME Sec IIC. With the F-number there is a reduction of procedure and performance qualification as the same F-number of material does not require requalification.
From the ASME Sec IX, table QW-433 can be referred to for the welder performance qualification range. A snapshot is given below:
What is the A-Number in Welding?
As from the name, A stands for analysis. A-number is designated by ASME to weld metal deposition composition analysis to reduce the number of procedure qualifications in Welding. From the ASME Sec IX table QW-442 can be referred to for different A number is given to different groups of metals/alloys. A-number is generally mentioned in WPS & PQR. It is not essential for performance qualification i.e. not mentioned in WPQ.
Note that the A-Number gives the chemical composition of the weld metal in the “as-welded” state, not of the filler metal product in its raw form.
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In preparing Piping schedule unit rates (construction quantities), what’s recommended for material grouping for welding quantities? Whether to group materials according to P-number or F-number or combination between both of them?
If a combination will be used for material grouping, what’s the relation between both of P-number and F-number?
what will be the A Number when 2 dissimilar metals are welded
What’s the A-Number classification for Inconel UNS 625, 60 Ni-22Cr-9Mo-3.5 cb.
ASME IX QW-442 doesn’t figure this chemical composition on Table QW-442?