In this competitive age, many freshers, as well as experienced engineering professionals, are interested in upgrading their piping engineering and oil & gas knowledge to become an expert in this field. There are so many online piping courses available in the market, however, the only effective course will help to become an adept engineer. Over the period, expertise comes through on-the-job learning in project works but courses on basic fundamentals will help to gear up and correlate the basic knowledge with practical works.
This article is specifically for those who are looking for online piping engineering courses at a reasonably low price. I will list all such courses in this article and you can attend any course of your choice. This article will be updated continuously as and when I find new piping engineering courses. Hope this will be useful for many of you.
How to Attend Piping Engineering Courses
To attend any of the below-mentioned courses simply click on the links provided below the heading. It will take you to the course page. Before starting to proceed with the respective course, kindly check what the course description is. In the description section of all the courses, you will get sufficient information to give you an idea if the course is required for you or not. For a maximum of the below-listed courses, you will get a certificate for course completion, full lifetime access to the course, and a few downloadable resources.
Course: ASME B31.3 for a Pipe Stress Engineer
In this 1.5-hour course, you will learn the basics from the process piping code ASME B31.3 that every piping stress engineer must know. The author has explained the code jargon in a simple language so that even the beginner can easily understand it. Briefly, you will learn the following:
- Learn the basics from ASME B31.3 required for a pipe stress engineer
- Scope and Exclusions of ASME B31.3 code
- Reasons for Stress Generation in a Piping System
- Various types of piping stress like sustained, expansion, occasional, etc
- Learn Code equations that stress analysis software use
- Learn the allowable values for different types of code stresses
- Learn Material allowable stresses
- Reinforcement requirements for branch connections
- Learn to calculate pipe thickness as per ASME B31.3
How to Join this Course: To join the course, click here, create your account, and then enroll.
Course: Become a Pro in Caesar II Pipe Stress Analysis
In this five-hour-long course, the author has tried hard to explain to you the basics of pipe stress analysis using Caesar II software. The author has explained the following details to help you kickstart your Caesar II pipe stress analysis journey:
- How to Use Caesar II Software
- Creating a 3D model of the piping system adding piping, components, fittings, supports, etc
- Modeling equipment connection in Caesar II
- Basics of Pipe Stress Analysis
- Load Case Preparation
- Analyzing the system and reviewing the results
- Stress Critical Line List Preparation
- Inputs and Outputs for Stress Analysis
- Wind and Seismic Analysis
- Using Spring Hangers
- Editing your model
How to Join this Course: To enroll for this course, simply click here, create your profile, and start accessing the course after purchasing by paying a small fee.
Course: Pipe Support Engineering for Industrial Piping Systems
Pipe support engineering is often a very important but neglected field and enough study material is not available. So, in this two-hour-long online course, the author has tried his best to explain the pipe support engineering basics in detail. If you enroll in the course you will be able to learn the following:
- Role of Pipe Supports in Piping Design
- Types of Pipe Supports
- Pipe Support Spacing or Span
- How to Support a Pipe
- Pipe Support Optimization Rules
- Pipe Support Standard and Special Pipe Support
- Pipe Support Engineering Considerations
- List of Pipe Supports
How to Join This Course: To start this course simply click here to visit the page with the course, create your profile, and then enroll by paying a small fee.
Course: FRP-GRP-GRE Piping/Pipeline Stress Analysis Using Caesar II
If you are having difficulty analyzing your FRP/GRP/GRE piping/pipeline system, then this course is a must for you. The author has explained the following in simple language so that you can easily perform your stress analysis.
- Basics of FRP/GRE/GRP Piping Stress Analysis
- Inputs to ask from the vendor for FRP/GRP/GRE Pipe Stress Analysis
- Modeling and Analyzing GRP/FRP/GRE Piping system in Caesar II
- Flange Leakage Checking for FRP Piping Systems
- FRP Pipe Supporting Guidelines
- Modeling and Analysis of FRP Piping System
How to Join FRP Pipe Stress Analysis Course: If you are planning to join this course, click here to go to the page and enroll for the course.
Course: Pipeline Stress Analysis using Caesar II
In this 1.5-hour-long course, the author has specifically explained the following contents:
- Liquid and Gas Pipeline Stress Analysis using ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8
- Difference between Piping and Pipeline
- Differences between ASME B314 and ASME B31.8
- Use Caesar II software for pipeline stress analysis
- Types of Pipelines
- Case study of Pipeline stress analysis with a practical problem.
- Modeling, load case creation, analysis, and output results.
How to Join the Course: Click here to visit the course page and enroll
Course: Buried or Underground Piping Stress Analysis using Caesar II
This course explains the following contents to help the user learn the modeling and analysis of buried piping stress analysis:
- Learn how to model buried piping and pipeline systems in Caesar II software
- Create load cases based on ASME B31.3/B31.4/B31.8 codes
- Perform the underground/buried pipe stress analysis
- Review the results calculated by the software and understand their meanings
- Inputs Required for Buried Pipe stress analysis.
- Creating a buried model.
How to Join this Course: Click here to visit the course page and start your buried pipe stress analysis journey using Caesar II software.
Course: Learn Pump Piping Stress Analysis using Caesar II
In this 3-hour course you will learn the following:
- Learn the Basics of Pipe Stress Analysis and Caesar II software
- Creating load cases
- Learn the basics of pump piping stress analysis.
- Learn to create load cases for pump piping analysis in Caesar II software.
- Learn to read isometrics to model piping systems.
- Learn to read data from pump GA to model and analyze Caesar II.
- Practical Case Study of a Pump Piping Stress Analysis
How to Join this course: Click here to enroll for this course
Course: Static and Dynamic Slug Flow Analysis in Caesar II Software (The Only Slug Flow Analysis Online Course)
The Course covers
- Basics of Slug Flow Analysis
- Calculation of Slug Forces
- Application of Slug Forces
- Static Analysis of Slug Flow
- Dynamic Analysis of Slug Flow
To enroll in the course click here
Course: Dynamic Analysis of Piping Systems in Caesar II Software
What you’ll learn
- Dynamic Analysis Basics
- Static Analysis vs Dynamic Analysis
- Types of Dynamic Analysis
- Response Spectrum Analysis
- Modal Analysis
Link to Join the Course:
Course: Guide to Flow-Induced Vibration Analysis in Piping System
What you’ll learn
- Common causes of piping vibration and their effects.
- Definition of Flow-Induced Vibration.
- Reasons for FIV in a piping system.
- FIV Study/Analysis Steps Based on Energy Institute Guidelines
- Mitigation Options of FIV Study Results.
Click here to enroll in this course
Course: Stress Analysis of PSV/PRV Piping System in Caesar II
What you’ll learn
- Brief about Pressure Safety Valve Systems
- PSV Reaction Force Calculation
- Application of PRV Reaction Force in Stress System
- Case Study of Stress Analysis of PSV System using Caesar II Software
- Best Practices for PSV Piping Stress Analysis
To enroll in this course click here
Course: Online Detailed Course on Piping Engineering (The Best Online Piping Engineering Course)
This is the best online piping engineering course in my view. The course consists of 210 lectures covering all aspects of piping engineering. Students can learn at the ease of their homes with unlimited access. The course is designed by a PMP-certified piping engineer with over 15+ years of working experience in top MNCs and provides in-depth knowledge about all piping engineering aspects. There are four sections in the course which explains
- Section 1: Basics of Piping Engineering (9 Hours)
- Section 2: Piping Materials & Testing (6.5 hours)
- Section-3: Piping Layouts (13 Hours)
- Section-4: Piping Stress Analysis (14 hours)
Click here to know more details about the course and enroll. You can WhatsApp at +91-9560191444 to directly contact the author and clarify your doubts if any. If you are interested only in the Online Piping Stress Analysis course then click here to know the topics that the course covers.
Course: Online Detailed Pipe Stress Analysis Course
This is one of the best courses for detailed pipe stress analysis. Prepared by industry experts, the course covers most of the aspects of pipe stress analysis. Click here to know more details about the course and enroll. You can WhatsApp at +91-9560191444 to directly contact the author and clarify your doubts if any. If you are interested only in the Online Piping Stress Analysis course then click here to know the topics that the course covers.
Course: PG Diploma in Piping Design Engineering
This course is for entry-level engineers and designers in piping engineering. This course will provide an overall knowledge of piping engineering aspects. Designed by experts considering theoretical and practical aspects of piping engineering. Currently, the course consists of 6 modules covering Fundamentals of Piping, Equipment, Layout & Drawings, Design Calculations, and Considerations, Piping Fabrication & Support, Stress Analysis & Testing. To know more details about this course and attend kindly click here.
Course: Introduction to Piping Engineering
This course is prepared by a highly experienced piping engineer (15+ years of experience). The course covers an introduction to piping engineering, a typical organogram of an EPC company, piping components, responsibilities of piping professionals, piping engineering deliverables, and interfaces with other departments. For beginners, this course will be a starting point. Click here to know more details about this course.
Course: Piping Fabrication with Isometrics – Oil&Gas, Mechanical
To gain in-depth knowledge about the piping fabrication process from piping isometric drawings this course will help you. In this four-hour-long journey, you will gain in-depth knowledge regarding details of different isometrics, piping fabrication schedules, shop fabrication activities, welding basics, piping components, codes & standards, etc. To know more details about this course and attend online simply click here.
Course: Pump Piping and Layouts
For knowing all the piping design rules for pump piping routing and spacing, this course is a must. This course covers the important components of pump piping, layout aspects, spacing criteria, stress recommendations, etc. To know more details and attend this course click here
Course: Column Piping and Layouts
Columns are an integral part of refineries. The layout and routing of pipes are really critical. In this 1.5-hour long duration, you will gain insight into Column functioning, layout aspects, nozzle orientation, platform, and ladder requirements, and operational and maintenance aspects from industry experts. To explore more details and attend this course click here.
Course: Heat Exchangers – Piping Layouts
In this 1-hour-long engineering course named “Heat Exchangers: Piping Layouts,” you will get an in-depth understanding of all piping design aspects of lines connected to heat exchangers. Moreover, the construction and operating features of all types of exchangers are covered. Tips for optimizing the layout are also provided. To attend this course click here.
Course: Rack Piping Design & Layout
To get an overbroad idea about rack piping design and layout, this course is a good choice. This course explains the design inputs required, pipe rack design concepts, guidelines on placing pipes over the rack, supporting pipes, equipment, and platforms on pipe racks, and many more details. To attend this course, click here
Course: Overall & Unit plot plan
In this video tutorial, you will get to know all aspects & parameters for creating an overall and unit plot plan. Various necessary guidelines are discussed to provide you with an overall idea regarding plot plan development. Click here to explore more and start attending this course.
Course: Compressor Piping and Layouts
It covers all the piping and layout aspects that need to be taken care of while preparing the compressor piping layout & shelter design. So if you are looking for information to design the layout of compressor piping, simply join this online piping engineering course by clicking here.

Course. Understanding Piping Engineering in Oil and Gas Industry
This Course (Piping Engineering & Design) will explain all the steps required for having a solid piping design base. This course will help the participant to understand the Key Engineering deliverables in the piping industry pertaining to oil and gas. The course will explain the following points in brief:
- Codes, Standards, and Specifications
- Piping Design Basis
- Piping Engineering Deliverables
- Piping Design Calculation
- Piping Supports
- Piping 3D Modeling
- Piping Tie ins
- Piping Protection Coating and Insulation
Please click here to enroll and access the course
Course. Overview of Piping Components
This course is designed by highly experienced field experts which ensures that every aspect of the piping components ( Pipe, Fittings, Olets, Gaskets, Flanges, Bolting materials, Valve, orifice flanges, Spectacle Blind, Steam traps, etc) ) is informed to you to increase your current knowledge by manifolds. The course will cover the following points:
- Common Piping Components used in Power, Oil & Gas, Refinery, and any other Process Industries
- Materials, International codes, standards, specifications, manufacturing, inspection, and testing of piping components
- Inspection and Testing of piping components in the workshop and at manufacturer locations
To Enroll and Access this Online Course Click here
Course. How to be an Expert in Piping Valves
The course will cover valves used in Oil & Gas Piping,18 types of valves, Standards & Specifications, Manufacturing, Materials, Inspection & Testing): This video course will take your existing valve knowledge to a level. Starting with the basic concept of the valve, the course will take you through the advanced concepts of all valves used in process plant piping. Click here to enroll and access this online course
Course. Overview of the Oil and gas industry
Through this specially designed course gain an insight into the history and characteristics of petroleum, major events, players of the oil scene, consumption, production, and forecast. This video course will briefly cover the following aspects:
- Oil in Our Economic Life
- The Characteristics of the Oil Industry
- History of the Oil Industry and Petroleum Refining in Brief
- Energy Oil and Economic Development
- Energy Consumption Forecast
- Energy resources
- Production of Oil and Gas
- Major Players in the Oil Industry
- Investments
- Profitability
- Conclusion
To Access and enroll for this video tutorial course click here
Course. Elements of Piping Engineering
This Piping Design course has been organized into 8 detailed sections. 8 Sections of the Piping Engineering course have been categorized into 36 Lectures where every individual section is explained in an organized way. The complete course can be finished in 4.5 hours. The important points that are covered in detail are the Scope of Piping Engineering, Oil & Gas Project Life Cycle, Piping Design Basis, Process Interface, Various kinds of piping systems, Valve and Flange types with details, and Strainer and steam trap details. Click here to know more details and access this course.
Course: Module on Rack Piping, Pump Piping, Heat Exchanger Piping, Compressor Piping, and Column Piping
In this 5 hours long course, you will learn the basic philosophies and best practices for Pump Piping, Column Piping, Heat exchanger Piping, Compressor Piping, and Rack Piping. You can find out more about what this module covers and join the course by clicking here.
Course: Valve Inspection and Testing
Are you worried about your valve performance? Do you wish to learn the basics of valve inspection and testing? Then this is the right course for you. Simply click here to learn more about what this course covers and then attend this course at your own pace.
Course: Piping Codes and Standards
Are you a beginner in the piping industry and wondering how to step into the piping professionals’ journey? Knowing various codes and standards that govern piping engineering design and fundamentals is the best way to start with. So what are you waiting for!! Simply click here to understand what codes the mentioned course covers and join it.
Course: Piping Wall Thickness Calculation
Are you designing your piping and wish to decide on the wall thickness? This course will provide you with step-by-step methods to help you calculate the thickness of your pipe for a given pressure and temperature. So, click here and explore more details about pipe thickness calculation methodologies straightway.
I wanna join this course .Help me
Sir, I want to join.pls guide me.
i want to join courses piping engineering
want to do the crash course of Buried Piping – Stating % Dynamic Analysis.
Have already the degrees of Stress Piping Engineering
Hi Anup, how are you, these courses come with diplomas/certificates at the end?
Yes. Most of them are Udemy courses and you will get a certificate from Udemy… However, if you are planning for a piping stress analysis course kindly wait till October first week as I am planning to bring a complete exhaustive piping stress analysis course using Caesar II software.